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Urban Cycling: Navigating the Dangers of City Roads

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Urban cycling is growing in popularity across California as more people seek out alternatives to driving. With its pleasant weather and congested roads, California cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego are seeing more bicycles than ever before. However, cycling in the city poses unique hazards that all riders must be aware of. Follow these tips to stay safe while navigating busy urban streets on two wheels.

Be Predictable and Follow Traffic Laws

The most important thing you can do as an urban cyclist is be predictable. Follow the same traffic laws that apply to cars, including stopping at red lights and stop signs, using turn signals, and riding in the same direction as traffic. Don’t weave between parked cars or ride on sidewalks meant for pedestrians. Obeying traffic laws helps prevent accidents and keeps you safe. It also gives cyclists a good reputation among motorists who share the road.

Watch for Parking Dangers

Parked cars present one of the biggest dangers to city cyclists. Pay attention to cars pulling in or out of parking spaces and watch for opening car doors that can knock you off your bike. Give yourself enough space from parked cars so you have time to maneuver around any surprises. Scan parked cars for signs of occupants and assume they may open a door at any time. Adjust your road position to stay safely away from potential door zones.

Be Visible and Use Lights

Visibility is crucial when cycling in traffic. California law requires a front white light and rear red light or reflector when riding at night. But consider using lights any time of day to stand out. Also, wear brightly colored clothing that contrasts with the environment. Use reflectors, reflective tape and other accessories to be seen. Make eye contact with drivers, especially at intersections, and don’t ride in blind spots. The more visible you are, the safer you’ll be on busy streets.

Watch for Hazards on the Road

City streets contain many road hazards to watch for, including potholes, debris, train tracks, slippery manhole covers and drainage grates. Scan ahead and go around obstacles when possible. Or stand up slightly off your saddle when crossing bumpy areas to avoid losing control. Report serious road hazards to local transportation agencies. Also, keep a sharp eye out for broken glass and other debris that can cause flat tires and crashes.

Use Proper Safety Gear

Wearing basic safety gear like helmets and gloves will protect you in case an accident occurs. California requires anyone under 18 to wear a helmet while cycling, but helmets are recommended for all ages. Find a helmet that fits properly and meets safety standards. Cycling gloves improve your grip and reduce injuries from falls. Consider eye protection too, like sunglasses or goggles. Make yourself as physically safe as possible while navigating city hazards.

Keep Your Bike in Good Working Order

With the right preparation and awareness, urban cycling can be an enjoyable, sustainable and healthy way to get around California cities, but if you are hit by a vehicle through no fault of your own, contact us today.

Visit our offices at:

  • 10 Commercial Blvd, #206 Novato, CA 94949
  • 75 Broadway #202, San Francisco, CA 94111
  • 3558 Round Barn Blvd, Suite 200, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Call us today for a free consultation on (415) 897-4801.

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