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Head-On Collisions: Catastrophic Injuries and Complex Liability

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Head-on collisions are among the most dangerous types of crashes on our roads today. When two vehicles traveling in opposite directions crash into each other, the combined forces can cause devastating injuries and even death. Understanding the complex legal and insurance issues surrounding head-on crashes is critical for victims and families seeking justice and compensation.

Causes of Head-On Collisions

While any distracted or impaired driving can lead to a head-on crash, there are some common factors that increase the risks:

  • Driver distraction – cell phone use, infotainment systems, passengers, etc. can draw the driver’s eyes and attention away from the road.
  • Driver fatigue – drowsy driving leads to delayed reaction times and lane drifting.
  • Speeding – traveling above the posted speed limit reduces a driver’s ability to avoid an oncoming car.
  • Dangerous passing – trying to pass in no passing zones or with limited visibility.
  • DUI – impaired drivers have slowed reflexes and difficulty staying in their lane.
  • Inclement weather – rain, snow, and fog can make it harder to see and stop.
  • Vehicle failure – a blown tire or brake failure can cause a vehicle to veer into oncoming traffic.

Catastrophic Injuries from Head-On Collisions

When two fast-moving vehicles hit each other straight-on, the physical trauma can be unimaginably severe. Some of the common catastrophic injuries in head-on crashes include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries – the violent back-and-forth motion of the head during impact often leads to concussions, bleeding, and permanent damage.
  • Spinal cord injuries – fractures, dislocations, and soft tissue damage to the back and neck that can cause partial or total paralysis.
  • Internal organ damage – direct trauma from the seatbelt, steering wheel, or impact can damage soft internal tissues and organs.
  • Amputations – legs and arms can be fully or partially severed if caught outside the vehicle during the crash.
  • Severe lacerations – broken glass and twisted metal result in deep cuts and blood loss.
  • Broken bones – arms, legs, hips, and ribs commonly suffer complex fractures from the extreme forces.

Any survivors of a major head-on crash often require extensive medical care and rehabilitation. Some injuries like brain and spinal trauma result in permanent disabilities. The financial, physical, and emotional tolls on crash victims and their families are almost incalculable.

Liability in Head-On Collision Claims

The fault and liability following a head-on collision are complex issues. While one driver is typically the primary cause, other factors like road design, vehicle defects, and insurance limitations come into play. Working with an experienced personal injury attorney is critical to determine all liable parties and build the strongest injury claim possible.

In a typical head-on crash, the driver who crossed over into oncoming traffic is likely to bear the majority of liability. However, that does not mean they alone are responsible for damages. Other potential shared liabilities may include:

  • Government agencies – if poor road design, lack of barriers, or improper signage contributed to the crash.
  • Automakers – if a defective auto part precipitated the collision.
  • Employers – if one driver was operating a work vehicle, their employer may share liability.
  • Bars & restaurants – if over serving alcohol to an impaired driver led to the crash.
  • Insurance companies – complex rules govern which policies pay first in injury claims.

Successfully resolving a head-on injury claim requires investigating every potential source of compensation. An attorney can identify all viable targets to ensure victims and families receive maximal restitution. They can also advise on effectively navigating complex insurance claim procedures.

If you or a loved one suffered catastrophic injuries in a California head-on accident, contact our office for a free consultation. Our dedicated personal injury attorneys have years of experience assisting seriously injured victims recover fair compensation through aggressive yet compassionate representation.

Visit one of our offices at:

  • 10 Commercial Blvd, #206 Novato, CA 94949
  • 75 Broadway #202, San Francisco, CA 94111
  • 3558 Round Barn Blvd, Suite 200, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Or call us today for a free consultation on (415) 897-4801.

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