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Car hazards for students in every grade

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Autumn may not be as notorious as a season for motor vehicle accidents as much as summer and winter are, but it can be difficult for California drivers to adjust to the first few months of the school year. They are still adjusting to the increase in buses and traffic near their local schools.

No matter what grade your child is going into, there are hazards on the road that can put them at risk. While the risk is always present, the potential threats vary on what type of school they are going to. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the dangers for each of their grades so you can warn them about these obstacles as they begin the school year.

Elementary schools

Several children have died in recent years from an accident at the bus stop. Some were caused by the bus driver, while others were from motorists that were either too fast or didn’t know the state laws on when they can pass a school bus. It’s important to teach your kids how to properly wait at the bus stop and get on the bus so that they can keep a safe distance and avoid being in the bus driver’s blind spot. Warn them to be particularly careful if they have to cross the street in order to get to the bus stop.

High schools

Once your child is ready to take their own car to school, remind them that they aren’t the only new drivers on the road. Young and inexperienced drivers under the age of 20 have some of the highest crash rates in the nation. Warn them of potential hazards they may face depending on when they leave school. If they leave early, then they’ll have a higher chance of running into traffic and more students rushing to get out. If they leave later due to a sport or extracurricular activity, they may be exhausted and still need time to adjust to California’s earlier sunsets in the fall.


Just because your kid isn’t living with you anymore doesn’t mean you can’t warn them of road hazards. There are several events in the fall that California college students throw parties for. This includes homecoming, fraternity pledges, Oktoberfest and Halloween to name a few. Tell your child to be careful driving late at night on the weekends and to make sure to have a designated driver or contact a ride service if they need a safe ride home after attending one of these parties.

While these tips can help your child take precautions on the road, it won’t completely prevent them from getting hurt when there is a reckless motorist involved. With how much dangerous drivers there are in California, it is important to know who to contact if your kid ends up becoming the victim of a devastating car accident.

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