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10 Commercial Blvd #206 Novato, CA 94949

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Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Motorcycles do not provide as much protection as vehicles, so when motorcyclists get into an accident, their injuries are often severe. Some of the most common injuries that are sustained in a motorcycle accident include: Road Rash Bikers are often thrown off of…

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Could You Be Partly to Blame For Your Slip and Fall Injuries?

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

It happens all too often-a property owner fails to fix a hazardous condition on his property and someone is injured as a result. These accidents, known as slip and falls or trip and falls, can lead to spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, soft…

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What if the At-Fault Driver is Uninsured?

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

One of the first steps you should take after a car accident is exchanging contact and insurance information with the other drivers involved. But, what happens if you find out the driver who caused the accident is uninsured? Will you still be able…

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Common Causes of Car Accidents

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Every year, thousands of people are injured or killed in car accidents. It’s important to understand how car accidents occur so you know the best way to protect yourself and your passengers while driving. A number of factors can cause car accidents, however…

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Is Distracted Walking Just As Dangerous As Distracted Driving?

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

By now, you’ve probably been bombarded with messages from various non-profit organizations about the dangers of distracted driving. There’s a lot of truth behind these messages-in 2014, Over 430,000 people people were killed in accidents caused by a distracted driver. Everyone can agree that distracted…

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The Physical & Emotional Consequences of a Traumatic Brain Injury

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

When you think of an injury, you probably visualize physical injuries such as broken bones, bruises, or open wounds. However, sometimes it’s the injuries that you can’t see, such as brain damage, that have the most devastating consequences. Life after a traumatic brain…

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What to do After a Car Accident

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

In the moments after you are struck by another car, you may be in a state of shock or feel overwhelmed with emotion. But, it’s important to pull yourself together and follow these steps to ensure you protect yourself and your future: 1.…

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When is a Property Owner Liable For Slip and Fall Injuries?

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Seeing someone trip and fall is sometimes used as a punch line in comedies, but in real life, it’s nothing to laugh about. Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere-a local grocery store, city pool, or even a neighbor’s house. A number of factors can…

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Why Do You Need a Lawyer After Suffering Injuries in a Car Accident?

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

After you recover from the initial shock of being involved in a car accident, one of the first things you need to think about is contacting a personal injury attorney to discuss the injuries you sustained in the crash. Many injured drivers make…

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What Does an Insurance Adjuster Do After a Car Accident?

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Ask any personal injury attorney for advice on what to do after a car accident, and you will probably be told to seek medical attention, call the police, and of course, avoid talking to the insurance adjuster until you have an attorney. But,…

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