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Author Archives: Rush Injury Law

How safety guides can send mixed messages

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

You can find safety symbols virtually everywhere in California, ranging from hand-washing guides to warnings on cribs and car seats. While most people can recognize these symbols instantly, experts say that they don’t always impart accurate information. As a result, it’s important not…

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Elderly Drivers Have a Greater Incidence of Car Accidents

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Being able to drive themselves from place to place is a privilege that California residents take seriously. Elderly drivers may get into accidents because of diminished cognitive skills and reaction times. However, there are plenty of elderly people who drive safely and who…

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Back injuries from a car accident

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Over 4.5 million people across the U.S. are involved in car accidents every year, and it’s not unusual for many of them to suffer back injuries. It can be good to know the different types of back injuries, though, especially if you were…

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What not to do after being involved in an auto accident

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

It’s safe to say that being involved in a motor vehicle accident can be a frightening experience. Motorists of California, which is notorious for high levels of traffic, may be more likely to get in a car crash. Understanding what not to do…

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What happens after a dog bite in California?

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

A house guest, a delivery person or even someone randomly passing a dog walker might all find themselves bit by a dog. Dog bites could cause severe damage to tissue and present an infection risk. Not taking a dog bite seriously may lead…

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How to deal with lower back pain

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

There is a good chance that you will experience back pain at some point in your life. Fortunately, there are several different strategies that a California doctor might be able to use in an effort to alleviate your symptoms. In many cases, the…

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TMJ disorders incurred in car accidents

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Perhaps a negligent driver collided into you here in Novato, California, and you suffered a TMJ disorder. TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint, the hinge that attaches the jawbone to the rest of the skull. When it is injured, victims may experience jaw…

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NSC report estimates 2% decline in traffic deaths in 2019

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

In 2017, there were 40,231 car crash fatalities in California and throughout the U.S. The number went down 2% to 39,404 in 2018, and now the National Safety Council has attested to another 2% decline in 2019: An estimated 38,800 people may have…

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Teens and senior drivers pointed out in recent safety study

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Recent research provided some detailed information regarding the safety of teens and senior citizens behind the wheel. Teens were more commonly involved in accidents during the study period, and senior drivers were the most common fatalities. The first consideration most would have for…

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Lumbar spine strains and sprains: an overview

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

California residents who experience lower back pain may have strained or sprained their lumbar spine. The lumbar spine is especially prone to these conditions because of how much it moves, twists and bends. When the muscle fibers are excessively stretched or torn, the…

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