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Author Archives: Rush Injury Law

Californians can take steps to prevent falls

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Slips and falls are a significant threat for members of the elderly population in California. Falls are the leading causes of fractures for older Americans and have even resulted in death in some cases. Approximately half of slip and fall accidents take place…

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Be wise to the ways of insurance agencies

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

California insurance companies do not like to willingly pay the full value of car accident claims. It costs them money and harms their bottom line. As a result, they will play a number of games to try to minimize the amount of money…

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Feds launching study of causes of 18-wheeler crashes

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

The 101 is one of the most famous highways in California. Everyone who has driven it knows that the bottleneck on our section of the highway – our very own Novato Narrows – is often slow not only because of the lane reduction…

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Taking an Uber? Make sure you buckle up

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Many people feel safe getting into the back seat of a ride-hailing vehicle, such as an Uber or a Lyft, and not fastening their seat belt despite laws mandating their use. However, the California Office of Traffic Safety says while half of all…

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Possible new therapy for patients with brain injuries

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

The tragedy of a life-changing injury is a difficult experience for both victims and their loved ones. One of the most devastating types of injury is head trauma. There are countless California families who are dealing with the aftermath of these catastrophic injuries,…

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Personal Injury lawsuits might help recoup dog bite expenses

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

The experience of getting bit by an animal is often a traumatic and terrifying event. Along with the emotional and physical pain, victims are often burdened with monetary damages that may include medical bills and lost wages. Victims who are bitten in California…

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Car accidents change surviving families forever

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Life can literally change or end in the blink of an eye. In many situations, horrific tragedies, such as car accidents, will leave victims or surviving families forever changed through injuries or untimely deaths. One recent California car crash has left a young…

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Risks for pedestrians around daylight savings

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Many Californians are mixed about the first Sunday in November. Daylight savings can give everyone in the state an extra hour of sleep, but it also means that it gets dark early and everyone has to readjust their clocks. What can’t be disputed…

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Study shows medication prevents some deaths from brain injuries

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Global statistics show that nearly 70 million people suffer a traumatic head injury every year. For many of these victims, there has been no effective treatment shown that could reduce damage and possibly prevent death from brain injuries. There have been countless California…

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Woman on trial for fatal car accident that killed 3 teens

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

For those who choose to drink and drive, the thought that they can wind up causing the death of an innocent person likely never enters their mind. Sadly, too many California families have lost a loved one based on the negligence of another…

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