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Personal Injury Cases: Preparing to Meet with Your Attorney

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

People like to think they’re in total control of their destinies, but based on the number of personal injury cases filed each year, this is clearly not the case. People fall, cars collide, and injuries happen – it’s a part of life. Luckily, there are laws are in place to protect people in these types of incidents. If you’ve been hurt in a fall or accident, you have legal recourse if you believe your injury happened due to someone else’s negligence. But the process is tedious, both physically and mentally. You’ll be preparing for your court case while doing rehab for your injury and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Here are a few tips to make your first meeting with an attorney less stressful.

Write Down Everything

A detailed notation is often the key to victory in an injury case. When we say write down everything, we mean everything – the time, the actions that occurred before and after the accident, who was there, how bad your injuries are, etc. Anything you feel is important in accurately relating the incident should be recorded. Both Apple and Android smartphones have a notation app, which is very useful for traffic or outdoor accidents where pen and paper aren’t readily available. Smartphones also have built-in cameras, so take photos of any damaged property or injuries you’ve suffered.

Collect Police Reports

You should always contact police if you’ve been injured or had property damaged in an accident. A police report contains vital information regarding what happened to you. Cops record the names of witnesses, weather conditions, and whether any legal violations were committed. For example, if a police officer notes that one driver in an accident blew a stop sign before colliding with the other driver, that’s a crucial piece of information that can often lead to a settlement before the start of a court case. Make sure you get the name and department of the officer making the report so you can ask for a copy to show your attorney. A police report isn’t a golden ticket to compensation, but it’s one of the most official records a lawyer can use for leverage.

Obtain Medical Records

Documenting any health-related costs you’ve experienced during recovery from an accident is another critical piece of the puzzle in personal injury cases. Keep notes on the names and specialties of any doctors or therapists you see and be in contact with your insurance company to get copies of bills for any treatments or procedures. You should also meticulously track any pain or suffering you experience during your recovery. Write down how you feel, what level your pain is at, and how your injuries are keeping you from performing daily tasks. This isn’t something you can get a detailed doctor’s note for, so record what you’re experiencing with pinpoint precision.

Rush Injury Law has been helping injury victims receive the compensation they deserve for over 15 years. If you’ve been injured in the San Francisco Bay area and need to consult with a lawyer about your options, visit our website or call 415-897-4801.

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